“Integrity is about doing the right things, even if nobody is watching.”
Posted from WordPress for Android
“Integrity is about doing the right things, even if nobody is watching.”
Posted from WordPress for Android
“Out of the dark – into the sun – towards the light – gone.”
27% sind auch ein Anfang…
“Der Nationalsozialismus hat sich vorsichtig, in kleinen Dosen,
durchgesetzt – man hat immer ein bisschen gewartet, bis das
Gewissen der Welt die nächste Dosis vertrug!” – (Stefan Zweig)
Biologically parents are redundant once their offspring grew up. It its the love of their children that gives them a meaning in life… as love and being loved in general is what makes the difference in life.
– (self)
” If there is one way to change our world, it is through the eyes and ears of our children.”
“Ich musste was tun. Du warst gerade im Begriff ein Riesen***loch zu werden.”
Conrad von Orton (Sean Penn) im Film “The Game (1997) zu seinem Bruder Nicholas (Michael Douglas).
“Gewalt ist die letzte Zuflucht des Unfähigen.”
(Isaac Asimov, 1920-1992; russisch-amerikanischer Biochemiker, Sachbuchautor und einer der bekanntesten und produktivsten Science-Fiction-Schriftsteller.)
If you think that motivational theories need to be complex and cumbersome … watch this!
Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (RSA Animate)
Make sense of your life, connect the dots, be grateful… – Listen to Steve Jobs at his famous Stanford commencement speech.
“Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
Mark Twain