Explore this blog!

As this blog expands, I found that the start page ‘tag cloud’ could probably be more inviting to explore this website a little deeper.

So I looked around for a nice graphical, playful way to browse the ‘tags’ and play with some of the content – here it is, the fabulous wp-cumulus widget:
If you prefer to come back more frequently… here is my Update Policy
Since most newsletters, communications and updates are intended to ensure we are more productive and better at work, they will hit us right at the beginning of our work week. – But do we then take time to think, ponder and allow for our minds to change… with all that information bursting into our life at the same day of the week? – I don’t think so.

Even though I am not a regular blogger – sometimes weeks pass by before I feel like writing again – most of my weekly updates will happen on Friday mornings (UTC). For those of you in the Western world, this will be the end of your work week. For those of you in other parts of the world, it may be just after you started your weekend. For all of you, I hope you enjoy the reading as your l life is slowing down, and you have more time to … think twice!

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