Public Eye Awards 2011

Public Eye Awards 2011 – WAS SIND DIE PUBLIC EYE AWARDS?

Die Public Eye Awards (vormals Public Eye on Davos) setzen einen kritischen Kontrapunkt zum Jahrestreffen des World Economic Forums (WEF) in Davos. Organisiert seit dem Jahr 2000 durch die Erklärung von Bern und Pro Natura (seit 2009 anstelle mit Greenpeace) zeigen die Public Eye Awards den Akteuren der Weltwirtschaft, dass Menschen und Umwelt verachtende Geschäftspraktiken Konsequenzen haben – primär für die davon Betroffenen, aber auch für das Firmenimage.


About Public Eye Awards 2011 (ENGLISH)

The Public Eye Awards mark a critical counterpoint to the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. Organized since 2000 by Berne Declaration and Friends of the Earth (in 2009 replaced by Greenpeace), Public Eye reminds the corporate world that social and environmental misdeeds have consequences – for the affected people and territory, but also for the reputation of the offender.

Whether exploitative working conditions, environmental sins, intentional disinformation, or other disregards of corporate social responsibility: At the forefront of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in late January, the most evil offenses appear on the shortlist of the Public Eye Awards 2011. And those firms placed in the pillory will feel the heat: Our renowned naming&shaming awards shine an international spotlight on corporate scandals and thereby help focused NGO campaigns succeed. This year’s categories are the GLOBAL award (chosen by an internal panel of experts) and the PEOPLE’S award (chosen by YOU and thousands of other online activists).

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About Marcus Pietrzak

Marcus Pietrzak is Management Development Leader CEE and Senior Organization Leadership Consultant at IBM. - He works with all management levels in his organisation, and helps them to find new approaches towards their personal leadership philosophy and change. His personal and professional interests include organisational psychology, adult education, management & organisational development and management innovation. "When connecting the dots of my career, I realized that developing people in each stage of their leadership career has always been at the core of what I've been doing. From studies to research, from workshops to coaching, from assessment to training: identifying and shaping the very best of the leadership capabilities within my clients, has always received my undivided attention and formed my mantra: the success of the people who look for our support and guidance - this will always be the ultimate measure of our success in leadership development." - (mp)