We all want to be happy – but are we really supposed to be…?

First, read this article. FastCompany: How to be happy anywhere

Then think twice: why do YOU think that people seem to be more unhappy the more they possess?

I came to conclude, that happy people are an unwanted species – at least from an economic point of view: “Unhappy people are the fuel of an economy that is determined to eternal growth.”

Did you ever wonder why the evening news are followed by the best paid commercials? – It follows a simple yet intriguing logic: the news tell you how bad this world is – and buying the latest gadgetry will make you feel OK again.

Lets face it: Happiness has no lobby, since there is no economic interest in happy people. The worst thing that could happen to a market driven economy would be a society that dwells in happiness, without any interest to participate in the rat race of limitless consumption.

So what is left for us to do? Surrender to a programmatic uneasiness, where only the good consumer has a right to call oneself ‘happy’?

Wait a minute – it’s not that hopeless. We still have our free will. We may decide to detach from media and marketing that keep selling us the keys to happiness. And we can search for alternatives, to find our own keys to happiness, to find our wealth and happiness within ourselves…

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About Marcus Pietrzak

Marcus Pietrzak is Management Development Leader CEE and Senior Organization Leadership Consultant at IBM. - He works with all management levels in his organisation, and helps them to find new approaches towards their personal leadership philosophy and change. His personal and professional interests include organisational psychology, adult education, management & organisational development and management innovation. "When connecting the dots of my career, I realized that developing people in each stage of their leadership career has always been at the core of what I've been doing. From studies to research, from workshops to coaching, from assessment to training: identifying and shaping the very best of the leadership capabilities within my clients, has always received my undivided attention and formed my mantra: the success of the people who look for our support and guidance - this will always be the ultimate measure of our success in leadership development." - (mp)